We have compiled some tips to help us get back into the swing of things in a healthy way. We hope you find them helpful!

Back to school to Dos & Donts for parents, caregivers and community:
Be curious about kids feelings about school not critical, for every 1 critical thing you say to a child you have to say/ demonstrate 5 affirming and supportive things. Reframe your criticism: Maybe we should try …What do you think about…
Encourage their special interests so many parents try and minimize their kids special interests gifted/ neurodivergent kids who are supported in exploring their special interests usually flourish and will learn their special interests to perfection giftedness is a part of neurodivergence; let them explore.
Talk to your kids to ask what you can do to support them in having a successful school year ( what not to do from last year and follow up on what they need) ex: alarm clock not knocking on the door coming in and turning on the light roughly
Discuss when back to school routine will resume ahead of time in detail so kids can prepare/ put it on white board in family group chat. For example, "on a Monday 8/12 summer bedtime and morning routine are going to be at regular school time".
Have a plan for how your child will rest and take time off from school and busy day structure (1 mh a day, stop over scheduling these kids, let them rest). PLEASE let them take time off when they ask.
Plan for mh support/ testing or whatever your child needs to have successful school year. The amount of kids expected to just do well in school with disabling challenges that are unaddressed / unsupported leads to other challenges and lifelong self esteem issues. Get that IEP/ 504/ Counselor for them.
Discuss and normalize anxiety, butterflies, upset stomach and help your child learn/ practice affirmation and techniques to self regulate. Please don’t tell your kids they can’t be sick going to school because they been fine all summer like everyone doesn’t get the bubble guts during transition.
Daily check ins with kids, as family without technology again asking kids how they are emotionally, what they need from you, how you can support them also without criticism. Set your kids up for success by modeling care, rest, taking time off, how to navigate transition and stress in healthy ways.
Additional Resources:
Happy Back to School season, Take care of them babies.
